Proper Motivation
“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”
Timothy O'Donnell USA professional triathlete.
In this episode of TSO, we hear Brad's story about competition in a 70.3 Ironman Triathlon. Usually, that would be the central portion of the tale, but it doesn't end there. As he completes his day of racing, the real adventure is beginning. A dash ensues to the Atlanta international airport to board a series of flights that will eventually land him in New Delhi, India. Tune in Monday, November 16th, to hear how the tale ends.
Waiting in Atlanta to board my flight, Ironman leg is done, now the real adventure begins.
“We will never. We have known the power of Christ in our lives and cannot go back.”
The Taj Mahal, “The Crown of the Palace.” commissioned 1632.