Just Over The Rise

In this episode of TSO, we hear a tale of an ordinary adventure on the roads of Toccoa, Georgia. A potentially dangerous encounter with a wild animal on a bike ride followed by a comical story of investigation into a historical marker. Written by- C.B.

Not every adventure has to be epic; I venture to say most can be in your everyday comings and goings. In this episode of The Storied Outdoors, we hear a tale of an ordinary adventure on the roads of Toccoa, Georgia. A potentially dangerous encounter with a wild animal on a bike ride and a  comical story doing a little investigation into a historical marker.

The home of  James D. Prather 1850 Toccoa, GA.

The home of James D. Prather 1850 Toccoa, GA.

Brad Hill

Brad is a Family Discipleship and missions pastor for Mars Hill Church in Mobile, Ala. When he's not serving in those capacities, you can find him outdoors riding his bike, on a walk, or with a fly rod in his hand. Brad is married to Paige Hill, and they have two children Stella and Liam.


Fishing With Dad


Shared Experiences