Emily Johnson: Artist

When most Alabamians think about Lake Martin as a place to vacation, Emily Johnson thinks of it as home. Growing up on the water and being an artist, Emily naturally gravitated to painting fish. While this was not always her focus, 2020 presented an opportunity to move away from the medical field and pursue a full time career as an artist, an artist who paints fish… and the occasional waterfowl.

This episode gives listeners an insight into the process of painting and what inspired her to make this shift. With the help of her husband, an avid fly fisherman, and three young children who are almost old enough for more adventures, Emily hopes to paint all, or at least most, of the fish found in the waterways of Alabama.

To buy her amazing artwork, visit her website. www.emilygjohnson.com. Or, follow Emily on Instagram for content and videos of her work @emilyjohnsonart.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?
— Psalm 8:3–4
Dr. Bryan Gill

Bryan is an administrator and instructor at Samford University in Birmingham, Ala. At home, Bryan is the husband to Sarah and daddy to his two young children. At church, he is the men’s ministry director. He can also be found fly fishing, painting watercolor trout, or woodworking. But having authored several books, including How to Be a Man: Learning from Real Men of the Bible, his favorite pastime is writing.


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