Brett McCracken: senior editor for The Gospel Coalition

The heavens declare the glory of God. So get outside and listen!
— Brett McCracken

Brett McCracken, author of The Wisdom Pyramid, has an affinity towards nature. Living just a short drive from many of the most beautiful natural places in the U.S., Brett knows a thing or two about being outside and observing God's creation. He states, "The heavens declare the glory of God.

Brett McCracken, author of The Wisdom Pyramid, has an affinity towards nature. Living just a short drive from many of the most beautiful natural places in the U.S., Brett knows a thing or two about being outside and observing God’s creation. He states, “The heavens declare the glory of God. So get outside and listen!”

In this conversation with Brett, we explore how God teaches us when we get outside and create these opportunities to listen. Join us for this enriching chat with Senior Editor of The Gospel Coalition, Brett McCracken.

Also, be on the lookout for a full book review of The Wisdom Pyramid on our website soon.

You can find Brett’s website here:

Purchase The Wisdom Pyramid here:

Brett McCracken is a senior editor for The Gospel Coalition and author of Hipster Christianity: When Church & Cool Collide (Baker, 2010), Gray Matters: Navigating the Space Between Legalism & Liberty (Baker, 2013), and Uncomfortable: The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community (Crossway, 2017). He has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Huffington Post,, The Princeton Theological Review, Mediascape, Books & Culture, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Relevant, IMAGE Journal, Converge, Mere Orthodoxy, ERLC, Canon & Culture and Q Ideas. He speaks and lectures frequently at universities, churches, and conferences.


Subscribe to Brett's blog here. Or follow him on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.

Dr. Bryan Gill

Bryan is an administrator and instructor at Samford University in Birmingham, Ala. At home, Bryan is the husband to Sarah and daddy to his two young children. At church, he is the men’s ministry director. He can also be found fly fishing, painting watercolor trout, or woodworking. But having authored several books, including How to Be a Man: Learning from Real Men of the Bible, his favorite pastime is writing.

Dr. Hugh Cheek: Pediatrician


Milla Chappell: Pet Photographer and Dog Adoption Advocate