The Best Laid Schemes O’ Mice An’ Men !

We are joined by Richie Fortenberry, Hamilton Borden to reflect together on a planned fishing trip to the Smokey Mountains in the Fall of 2020. It was more of a miss-adventure because so much went wrong.

We mention The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben. As Richie mentioned he gets a little out there with some things but there are some deep lessons we can learn about life and community from the life a trees.

If you have questions, comments, guest recommendations, or would just like to connect with us shoot us an email

Visit Desoto State Park and Desoto Falls

More information for Little River Canyon National Preserve.

Music Written and Recorded by Brad Hill

Brad Hill

Brad is a Family Discipleship and missions pastor for Mars Hill Church in Mobile, Ala. When he's not serving in those capacities, you can find him outdoors riding his bike, on a walk, or with a fly rod in his hand. Brad is married to Paige Hill, and they have two children Stella and Liam.


Charles Martin: NY Times Best selling Novelist


Ben King: Professional Cyclist and Wildlife Photographer